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Главная » FAQ » Ивенты и Квесты

Castle Siege Operation
Castle Operation
The lord of the castle can collect the taxes from using the stores and other systems operated by the corresponding cluster. Adjusting tax rate and settings for castle operations is done through the senior NPC located in the Dragon tower.
csRole : Maintenance and upgrading of 6 castle gates and 4 guardian statues, tax adjustment

Repairing/upgrading is not possible during the siege.

Tax adjustment is applicable starting from 2 hours after the siege till the next siege.

Tax will not apply during 2 hours of the siege. Lord's Mix
Maintenance/upgrading of castle gates
To check the status of the castle gate click the senior NPC.
csCastle gate layout (3 stages)

Defense power (3 stages)

Unselected castle gates will be displayed in gray color.

When the durability is 100% the "Repair" button will be deactivated

Button for upgrading durability (HP)

Button for upgrading defense power (Armor)
Red - when destroyed
Orange - needs to be repaired
White - normal
Basic statistics for upgrading the castle gates
Upgrade0(Basic)Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3
Defensive Power100180300520
Cost for upgrading the castle gates
UpgradeStage 1Stage 2Stage 3
HP2 Jewel of guardian
+ 1,000,000 zen
3 Jewel of guardian
+ 1,000,000 zen
4 Jewel of guardian
+ 1,000,000 zen
Defensive Power2 Jewel of guardian
+ 3,000,000 zen
3 Jewel of guardian
+ 3,000,000 zen
4 Jewel of guardian
+ 3,000,000 zen
Upgrading guardian statue

Defensive Power

Recovery Power

Increase the abilities of guardian statue
Basic statistics for upgrading the Guardian statue
Upgrade0(Basic)Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3
Defensive Power80180340550
Cost for upgrading the Guardian statue
UpgradeStage 1Stage 2Stage 3
HP3 Jewel of guardian
+ 1,000,000 zen
5 Jewel of guardian
+ 1,000,000 zen
7 Jewel of guardian
+ 1,000,000 zen
Defensive Power3 Jewel of guardian
+ 3,000,000 zen
5 Jewel of guardian
+ 3,000,000 zen
7 Jewel of guardian
+ 3,000,000 zen
Defensive Power3 Jewel of guardian
+ 5,000,000 zen
5 Jewel of guardian
+ 5,000,000 zen
7 Jewel of guardian
+ 5,000,000 zen
Tax Adjustment
- The lord of a castle can charge/collect tax from all the merchant NPCs.

- Adjust tax rate through the senior NPC.
csTax adjustment menu

Apply the adjust tax rate details clicking the "Apply" button

Collected tax will be displayed at the senior NPC and only the lord of a castle can make a withdrawal.
Tax adjustment setting
- Tax adjustment can only be changed 2 hours after the siege till the next siege.

- Tax adjustment is divided into Chaos Goblin's tax rate and NPC's tax rate.

- Only the lord of the castle can adjust the tax rate.

- The tax rate will be applied when the "Apply" button is clicked and new tax rates will be added to existing item prices.

- Collected taxes will be displayed as a remaining zen of the senior NPC.

- NPC who are not affected by taxes are: Sebina, Marlon, Guild master, Charon, Messenger of Archangel

- Only the lord of the castle is allowed to withdraw taxes.

- Allowed withdrawal per transactions is set at 50,000,000 zen.

- The cost of maintenance/upgrades will be deducted from the castle lord’s inventory.

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